Meet your Educator, Laura Campbell
Laura Campbell
Respiratory Nursing
Laura Campbell has worked as a registered nurse in a variety of hospital and community-based roles for over 30 years. Over 15 years ago, she was drawn to the field of respiratory medicine.
Laura has also worked in a number of roles, mostly in the Auckland region. This has included community roles – such as managing the early discharge of COPD patients in the acute intervention and respiratory service.
She has also been involved in roles in hospital settings, such as general respiratory nurse specialist leading NIV services, inpatient respiratory reviews for asthma, COPD, ILD, and bronchiectasis.
During this time, Laura has collaborated with respiratory physicians, physiologists, and other nurse specialists to create nurse-led respiratory clinics at Waitemata District Health Board for patients post-admission.
More recently Laura has been a part of the Comprehensive Care PHO leadership team in Auckland. As the former nurse lead, she worked to support its members in primary care with their PDRP and ongoing education, and represented nursing in various forums and teams.
She holds a Masters of Nursing with First Class Honours from Massey University and has completed Postgraduate papers on respiratory nursing. In addition, she has done short courses on mental health, addictions, vaccinations, spirometry, COPD, and chronic care.
With a passion for education, she has also developed many short courses, resources, published papers, and training for patients, nurses, GP’s and other groups in both New Zealand and Australia.
Laura has presented at a number of conferences including the South Island Respiratory Educators Forum, Health Information NZ, and the TSANZ Scientific Meetings.
In 2018, she was honoured to be awarded the Asthma Society scholarship in conjunction with GSK to attend the European Respiratory Society Conference in France.
Her passion for respiratory medicine is further highlighted by association and membership with a large number of national and international respiratory bodies.
ACEhub provides another channel to share best practice respiratory and health education that can make a significant impact to the quality of patients' lives – something that Laura finds very rewarding!
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