Course Description
In this course you will learn the best practice techniques for cannulating a vein and obtaining blood through venepuncture, a skill now in high demand in community settings. You will discover basic anatomy and philosophy as it relates to cannulation and venepuncture, preparation and insertion tips, along with related professional and practice responsibilities to keep you and your patients’ safe and well.
Do I need further training after this course before being able to take bloods?
This is dependent on the individual skill of the person learning IV Cannulation. We recommend that after completing ACEhub's IVC Course you practice Venepuncture/Cannulation supervised for a short while. We also recommend that you pick good/easier access veins to begin with where possible.
Course Modules
1. Professional Responsibilities
Learn about the increasing need for intravenous cannulation and venepuncture and why it is important to learn to cannulate and perform venepuncture. Discover the associated professional and legal responsibilities related to practicing in this field of healthcare.10 mins
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2. Skin, Vein & Artery Anatomy
Learn about the anatomy and physiology of the skin, veins, and arteries. Discover the best vessels and their location to successfully cannulate a vein or obtain blood through venepuncture.25 mins
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3. Sharps Safety
Learn how to minimise your risk from needlestick injuries. Discover best practice management techniques if you inadvertently are exposed to infectious body fluids, including what to test for, and appropriate advice to share your patients.13 mins
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4. Cannulation & Venepuncture Insertion
Learn the best practice technique for cannulation and venepuncture. Discover the necessary steps for both preparation and insertion that will reduce risk or harm to your patients and build your confidence.1 hour
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5. Troubleshooting & Complications
Learn how to troubleshoot any potential venepuncture or cannulation patient including what to do if can’t see, feel, or advance a vein, puncture a vein, or encounter fragile veins. Discover causes and practice tips for common complications such as a haemotoma, infiltration, a nerve injury, or vaso vagal.12 mins
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Course Completion Certificate
Once you have completed the course requirements, your printable completion certificate will be downloadable here.