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Sterilisation Basics (Classic)

Estimated duration: 1 hour, 50 minutes

Thank you for watching this brief excerpt from our
1 hour, 50 minutes-long Sterilisation Basics (Classic) course.

To find out more about this course, please peruse the course description below, and click here to sign up or sign in to enrol.

Sterilisation Basics

Get full access to this course for only

AUD $ 59.19 +gst
This course includes:
  • 1.8 hours of on-demand video modules
  • Access on mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Certification of completion
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Course Description

In this course, discover best practice ASNZ4187 sterilisation practices and standards that apply in New Zealand. You will learn how to clean reusable medical devices, how to inspect pack, and seal instruments, as well as the process for sterilising equipment using an autoclave; sometimes referred to as a bench top sterilization machine. Modules will also cover ‘Single Use’ and how to look for it on a device, how to care for instruments to avoid patient harm, and chemicals and detergents for optimum cleaning. Receive step-by-step advice and education that aligns with the latest guidelines for anyone working with medical devices and instruments.

Course Modules

  • 1. Cleaning
    Learn about the first step in the sterilisation process – cleaning. You will discover the techniques and practices to apply when cleaning resuable medical instruments.
     20 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 2. Packing
    Discover the practices and techniques involved in inspecting, packing, and sealing of medical instruments. You will learn a step-by-step process and view examples that help you to ensure patient safety.
     20 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 3. Autoclave Sterilisation
    Learn the process for sterilising instruments using an autoclave or sometimes referred to as a bench top sterilisation machine. Discover best practice steps to follow, including reading indicators, and autoclave drying, cooling, and care.
     20 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 4. Single Use
    Learn all about ‘Single Use’ and its variations, what it is, and how to identify it on your device or instrument.
     15 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 5. Instrument Care
    Discover best practice techniques and practices for caring for instruments. Learn how to check the integrity of your medical products, how to maintain, test and repair them safely.
     15 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 6. Chemicals & Detergents
    Learn best practice guidelines and practices when it comes to choosing chemicals or detergents for optimum cleaning and care of instruments and devices. Learn about pH levels, pre-cleaning, acidic detergents, and instrument milk.
     20 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

Course Completion Certificate

Once you have completed the course requirements, your printable completion certificate will be downloadable here.

Sterilisation Basics

Get full access to this course for only

AUD $ 59.19 +gst
This course includes:
  • 1.8 hours of on-demand video modules
  • Access on mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Certification of completion
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