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Spirometry Fundamentals

Estimated duration: 3 hours, 15 minutes

Thank you for watching this brief excerpt from our
3 hours, 15 minutes-long Spirometry Fundamentals course.

To find out more about this course, please peruse the course description below, and click here to sign up or sign in to enrol.

Spirometry Fundamentals

Get full access to this course for only

AUD $ 108.37 +gst
This course includes:
  • 3.2 hours of on-demand video modules
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Certification of completion
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Course Description

In this course learn what spirometry is used for, standardisation requirements, and best practice techniques to prepare your patient and perform a spirometry test. Also, discover how to successfully calculate, compare, interpret, and report on tests for your patient. Lastly, watch a live demonstration with our educator and a mock patient to see spirometry-best practice in action.

Additional resources: There are 11 simulated patient spirometry results available for you to interpret in the resources section. You are encouraged to use these, along with the ‘Worksheet Q&A’s’ provided to practice and grow your spirometry reporting and interpretation skills.

Course Modules

  • 1. The Basics
    Learn what spirometry is used for, the various types of spirometers, and best practice techniques to prepare your patient and perform a spirometry test. Discover how to interpret the parameters being measured by a spirometry test, and maintain reliable data through quality assurance measures.
     35 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 2. Standardisation
    Learn about the importance of standardisation in spirometry testing and the guidelines for acceptability and repeatability of a spirometry blow. Discover common pitfalls and best practice techniques to overcome issues and ensure a successful test.
     20 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 3. Reporting & Interpreting Results
    Learn how to calculate the FEV1/FVC ratio, compare measured values with predicted values, and successfully observe normal curve shapes versus variations. Discover how to interpret obstruction and restriction, common causes of restrictive and obstructive defects, and effective commentary to support interpretation of results.
     30 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 4. Practical Demonstration
    Watch a spirometry demonstration with our educator and mock patient to see industry-best spirometry in practice. This session will recap on many topics already covered in this course and includes equipment, calibration, infection control, patient welcome and contradictions, test explanation, demonstration, coaching, results explanation, and machine care.
     15 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 5. Spirometry Education Workbook
    Practice and grow your spirometry reporting and interpretation skills using the Spirometry Education Workbook found in the additional resources section.
     1h 35m

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

Course Completion Certificate

Once you have completed the course requirements, your printable completion certificate will be downloadable here.

Spirometry Fundamentals

Get full access to this course for only

AUD $ 108.37 +gst
This course includes:
  • 3.2 hours of on-demand video modules
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Certification of completion
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