Course Description
In this course learn about the common symptoms, causes, and health complications associated with Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. Discover how to prevent and manage diabetes through effective assessment, screening, diagnosis, and intervention; including lifestyle and medication; such as insulin.
Course Modules
1. Introduction to Diabetes
Learn about the prevalence of diabetes, as well as the symptoms and causes of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Discover how diabetes affects insulin deficiency and resistance, and the common health complications for both children and adults with diabetes.20 mins
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2. Prevention
Learn how to prevent some people from getting type 2 diabetes through effective assessment, screening, diagnosis, and intervention. Discover best practice pre-diabetes strategies and SMART goals to help reduce risk for your patients.30 mins
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3. Medication
Learn the best practice medication guidance for supporting your patient with type 2 diabetes. Discover the different diabetes medications, how each works in the body, and how to tailor the medication plan to your patients’ specific needs.40 mins
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4. Insulin
Learn about the common myths and perceptions associated with starting insulin. Discover the recommended time line for starting insulin, the various types available, and the information your patient will require to best manage their diabetes.25 mins
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5. Annual Review
Learn how to perform an annual review with your patient with type 2 diabetes. Discover the reasons for conducting a yearly review, and the complications to be aware of at this time.10 mins
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6. Macrovascular Complications
Learn the common complications of poorly controlled diabetes as they refer to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Discover how to screen and test for these heart and blood vessel diseases and how they relate to diabetes.15 mins
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7. Microvascular Complications
Learn the common complications of poorly controlled diabetes as they refer to the eyes, feet, and kidneys. Discover how to screen, test, and manage the complications for diabetes retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy.30 mins
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Course Completion Certificate
Once you have completed the course requirements, your printable completion certificate will be downloadable here.